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Contact Information

Advanced Chiropractic Solutions
9414 US 1
Sebastian, FL 32958

Located on the East side of US1, 1 mile north of 510, convient for the
beaches, Sebastian and Vero Beach.

From Vero:
US1 North, cross 510 which is the road that goes over the Wabasso/Beach bridge, continue 1.1 miles north, just past HALE Groves on east side, 9414 US1

From Beach 32963
Over Wabasso Bridge to US1, turn Right/North, 1.1 miles north, just past HALE Groves on east side, 9414 US1

From North:
US1 south, cross Barber St (Publix on the right), take second left turn lane which is 0.4 miles past Publix

Office Hours

  Monday, Wednesday, & Friday:  8 AM - 6 PM 

Tuesday: 12 PM - 3 PM; Thursday: 9 AM - 12 PM
9414 US 1, Sebastian, Fl 32958


Serving Sebastian, Vero Beach, Wabasso and the Beaches

Interactive Spine

Weekly Thots


Your Body Is Smart.

It Needs No help, Just No Interference.